Link Application

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Student information


Home Language Survey (any "Yes" response to questions 1,2, and/or 3 may result in testing for ESOL services)

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Education History



Who is responsible for payment of tuition and fees?

Church Affiliation
Provision of this information is optional. Failure to provide this information will in no way influence the acceptance or denial of your application.

Type your Church name if you don't find it in the list

How often is chapel? 
Chapel services are held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. on Southeastern University’s campus. Chapel services include faculty and student-lead praise and worship. Chapel speakers include SEU campus pastor, faculty, and occasional guest speakers. Chapel services for SEU LINK students may be individualized and held in individualized venues according to students’ needs.

Is  chapel required?
Yes. As a school affiliated with a Christ-centered university, our most distinctive characteristic centers on the integration of faith and learning. Therefore, all students are encouraged and expected to include an active devotional life, regular church attendance, and chapel services as part of their educational experience. Chapel services are the spiritual center of the SEU LINK community and serve as a time of corporate worship. Students are allowed a certain number of excused absences based on various criteria.
I Parent / Student do hereby understand there is a chapel attendance policy and agree to comply

Religious Background
SEU Community Life Statement
Southeastern is more than a university; it is a community that transforms students. Joining this Christ-centered community obligates each student to embrace a set of core values centered on scriptural and civilized behavior. The core values of the SEU community are authentic spirituality, a Christ-centered worldview, character development for ethics in life, servant leadership, academic and professional excellence and cultural sensitivity.

Application Agreement
I, on behalf of myself or as parent or guardian of the student applicant, hereby certify that all statements on this application are true and correct. I understand that admission to and subsequent enrollment in the SEU LINK program at Southeastern University depends upon the accuracy of the information provided on this application. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of facts will result in the denial of admission to the program, or dismissal from the program if already admitted. If the Admission Committee deems it necessary, I authorize a thorough investigation to be made in connection with this application concerning the applicant’s character, general reputation, personal characteristics, employment, education background, and criminal record, whichever may be applicable.

I, on behalf of myself or as parent or guardian of the student applying for admission, specifically authorize any employer, law enforcement agency, local, state, and federal, and references to release any and all information requested by the SEU LINK program concerning my admission. I understand this investigation may include interviews with third parties such as family members, church leaders, educators, employers, friends, neighbors and others with whom the applicant is acquainted. I also affirm that if accepted for admission, the applying student will abide by the policies of SEU LINK and SEU, including but not limited to the principles set forth in the SEU Vision Statement, Life Statement, Community Covenant, and other expectations as outlined in the SEU Student Handbook.

$50 Application Fee - Non Refundable

Credit Card Information

Credit Card Billing Address

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